Self Discovery,  Self Improvement

Find Clarity & Happiness Through These Three Self-Discovery Techniques

How often do we stop from the everyday rush of life and wonder about ourselves? Do we think about what brings us joy and the values we want to live by?

When we don’t know ourselves, our interests, or our priorities, it’s easy to fall prey to what society deems necessary. We could make choices based on someone else’s preferences, work in the wrong careers, and even be in relationships that result in unhappiness.

By beginning the journey towards self-discovery, we can be clear about who we are and what we want out of our lives. In this article, I share the three things that impacted my journey most.

Why Begin the Journey Towards Self-Discovery

Self-discovery is a conscious process of getting to know ourselves. It helps us clarify our thoughts, do meaningful work, and live happier lives.

Becoming self-aware allows us to live a life based on our true selves. It helps us base our actions on what truly brings us joy. We are less worried about pleasing someone else and more focused on our choices aligning with our values.

Being self-aware changes how we behave in relationships at work and in our personal lives. It leads to more meaningful and authentic relationships.

Three Techniques That Helped Me Become Self-Aware

There is no cookie-cutter approach to becoming more self-aware, but three things helped me become more self-aware. 

1. Meditation in Daily Life

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Daily meditation practice can be a great tool for getting to know ourselves. When I sit down to meditate, I notice the thoughts that come and go from my mind. Observing myself this way helps me better understand my thinking process and perception of the world.

Meditating and studying its principles can help us be more compassionate toward ourselves. It has helped me become more accepting of myself and love myself at every stage, knowing that it is all part of life, whether I feel happy, sad, or confused.

It has also helped me to be more accepting of others. I began paying attention to my biases and beliefs, differentiating between perception and reality, and ultimately having better relationships with people.

2. Journaling as a Gateway to Self-Awareness

Photo by Ashlyn Ciara on Unsplash

Journaling has played a significant part in my path to self-discovery. As I write down my thoughts, my heart unburdens as though I have just had a meaningful conversation with a friend.

Each time I express myself in my journal without inhibitions, I hear my voice and innermost thoughts, which help me uncover my true self.

Journaling helps me diffuse each challenging situation in my life. It is a place to reflect on the situations that bring me joy and the things that upset me, allowing me to gain clarity and become more self-aware.

3. Insights from Valuable Resources

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A thought-provoking book, spiritual talk, or podcast can help us better understand ourselves and give us tools for self-discovery. In the past few years, books like ‘The Artist’s Way,’ ‘Think Like A Monk,’ and ‘The Art of Happiness’ have helped me ask the right kind of questions that have guided me on my path toward self-discovery.

In The Artist’s Way, author Julia Cameron guides us through exercises that help us understand our interests and question what we want out of our lives. Questions like ’20 things I like doing’, ‘Things I would try if money were no barrier,’ and ‘What would I be in my imaginary life’ made me look inward and find my true self.

In Think Like A Monk, author Jay Shetty introduced me to a valuable tool called a Time Audit. In this tool, we pay attention to the content we consume, the people we spend time with, and how we spend our money. I rely on this valuable tool from time to time to evaluate whether my choices align with my priorities and pivot if needed so I can become the person I want to be.

The Art of Happiness, by the Dalai Lama and Dr. Howard Cutler, explains how certain choices lead to happiness while others lead to unhappiness. This wisdom is great for reflecting on past decisions and directing any future choices I make so I can intentionally invite peace and happiness into my life.

When I look back, I am so impressed again with the life-giving power of literature. If I were a young person today, trying to gain a sense of myself in the world, I would do that again by reading, just as I did when I was young.

~ Maya Angelou

Embrace the Journey for a Fulfilling Life

Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash

Self-discovery is a conscious journey. Journaling, meditating, and exposing ourselves to the right resources can help us progress on our journey.

Remember that self-discovery is a continuous process, not a destination. With each experience, we begin to peel the layers of the onion, giving us more insight into ourselves.

As you begin your journey, don’t be discouraged. Treat each experience as a window to your soul that helps you become wiser and more aware.

Pick up a book, download an app, or journal a few lines, and start exploring. Take the leap and experience happiness in your life as your true self.

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.

~ Carl Jung


  1. Meditation: If you are starting, apps like Calm and Headspace are great places to start. and Spirt Rock Foundation offer excellent opportunities to deepen your meditation practice.
  2. Books: Ikigai, Power Of Now, and Tuesdays With Morrie are books I have read that can help raise self-awareness. 
  3. Podcasts: On Purpose by Jay Shetty, Heart Wisdom by Jack Kornfield, and Feel Better Live More by Dr. Rangan Chatterjee are podcasts filled with wisdom that can be great for self-reflection.
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Shilpa Kapilavai is a writer, meditator, and former IT professional passionate about personal growth and helping others live happy lives. She writes about self-help, mental health & mindfulness and aims to inspire readers to open their minds to self-discovery and make positive life changes. Join her on this journey towards a more meaningful life.