Finding Calmness During Work
My One Bright Thing came from my Artist Date this week. Artist date, as discussed in my earlier post, is a solo expedition of doing something that sparks your imagination. I went to…
How To Deal With Loneliness – Helpful Advice From Three Experts I Admire
Have you ever felt lonely? If you are part of today’s digital age, you may have experienced loneliness. I know I have. The pandemic, moving to a new state, and the work-from-home culture…
Being Just The Way We Are
Somedays, being childlike brings you the most joy. For me, it was eating french vanilla ice cream in a cone. I may be compensating for the Quinoa salad I ate for lunch. Isn’t…
The Joy of Laughter
Nothing gives you more joy than actual laughter itself. One thing that brightened my day was conversation and laughter with a dear old friend. Some friends live oceans apart but make the distance…
Peek A Boo With The Rain – One Bright Thing
How do we find something to brighten our day when it has been raining continuously? I found joy in playing peek-a-boo with the rain today. I used the tiny no-rain pockets to walk…
Artist Date – One Bright Thing
In one of my earlier posts, I shared that I am reading The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. In it, the author asks us to go on an artist’s date each week. It’s…
Getting Lost Meditation – One Bright Thing
One thing that brought me joy today and over the past few days is this special meditation called getting lost meditation. I have been doing the Joy of Living meditation course over the…
That Sense Of Accomplishment – One Bright Thing
One thing that brightened my day was to push past all distractions and procrastination and complete my weekly long post. The relief you get after completing the one big task for the week…
How To Take Ownership Of Your Happiness In Your Life
Learn how to take ownership of happiness in your life by being more proactive.
New Week Day Discipline – One Bright Thing
Starting this week, I have decided to watch TV/Other Streaming only on weekends. This newfound time on weekday evenings allows me to read and listen to more podcasts. Day 1 of no screen…