Love to Learn
Self Improvement

One Thing I Focus On To Stay Motivated When Learning Something New

Learning doesn’t end at the end of college or whatever your highest degree is. Each of us are continuing to learn throughout adulthood. Sometimes it’s out of necessity and other times it’s out of curiosity. 

We have heard of people picking entirely new careers or new hobbies much later in their age. In a way, I think being new at something keeps us humble. We may be really good at something but feel like a complete rookie at something else. 

Learning from kids in the classroom

Our son was in a Montessori school for the first 7 years of his schooling. Montessori schools have 3 year cycles where they group kids of 3-6 yr olds in one class and 6-9 in one and so on. 

The kids learn to become leaders in their classrooms at the end of their three year cycle. They also go right back to becoming novices every 3 years. This allowed them the opportunity to master their grade level, become leaders and become humble beginners again with a brand new curiosity for learning and exploring new things. 

I find myself in this state now as I try to learn new things. As exciting as learning anything new is, it can also be discouraging since you don’t go from 1 to 10 in a matter of days or weeks. 

There are a couple of things I am new to in my life right now. I am learning to be a writer. I am training with a personal trainer and doing cross-fit classes. I am also learning meditation and am practicing it daily. 

Drawing Parallels between Meditation, Physical Training and Writing

I love drawing parallels in life in everything I come across. A few months ago, I went for my initial assessment at my new gym. The owner met with me and asked all kinds of questions about my diet and work out habits. 

One thing he said in our 2 hour long session really stuck with me. It doesn’t matter how long you work out, it matters how often you work out. You can choose to walk, run or high impact but it’s important to do it as many times as you can in a week. 

This was interesting because there were days I didn’t even work out if I couldn’t or didn’t feel like going for a run. I never even considered walking!

The buddhist meditation I practice ( has the same philosophy about practice where they say, “Short time, Many times”. In the beginning you just learn to sit even if it is just for 5 minutes as many times as you can in a day. So it’s the frequency that matters, not duration. 

When speaking about building good habits, author James Clear said, In the beginning it’s important to just show up for practice. Regardless of the outcome. 

Focus On This To Staying Motivated

Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

When you are learning something new, it can be hard to stay motivated. Especially when you don’t see results immediately. For me, self talk plays a major role. I tell myself that frequency is the key to mastery. 

How many do you know became champions at something by just practicing it once a week? Practice it daily even if it is for short periods of time. Build your inner muscle gradually! Whether it is writing or cross-fit or meditation. 

Learning as adults has a whole different fun element to it. When you are a child you may have your parents rooting for you. As adults, your friends, family and your children are all cheering you on. Learning from your motivation, your will to succeed and from your mistakes. 

Learning something new gives you joy and keeps the inner child in us alive. I hope you continue to stay motivated in whatever it is you are trying to learn. Knowing that it takes a while before you reach a mastery stage. That frequency is the key. 

What are you learning right now? What are you a rookie at? Would love to hear your something new.

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Shilpa Kapilavai is a writer, meditator, and former IT professional passionate about personal growth and helping others live happy lives. She writes about self-help, mental health & mindfulness and aims to inspire readers to open their minds to self-discovery and make positive life changes. Join her on this journey towards a more meaningful life.