Mental Health

How Taking Breaks Throughout The Day Can Help Avoid Burnout

Do you feel like you have no energy to spare at the end of your day? A while ago, that was me. I didn’t have any energy to be fully present with my child when I got home. Given a chance, I didn’t feel like doing anything else other than watching TV. I was exhausted from work and mentally burnt out. 

By being mindful of how I want to feel at the end of the day, I changed my life for the better. I decided to care for myself throughout my work day, not just at the beginning or end. It helped me preserve my energy and stay fresh when I resumed my roles as a partner and a mother.

During the pandemic, I turned to meditation for stress relief. Meditation taught me to be more in tune with my feelings. Since I began meditating, I paid more attention to how I felt though out the day. I noticed I got tired quickly when I went through the day without any breaks.

Including breaks in my workday made me feel calmer and gave me more energy to spare. In this article, I will share the benefits of caring for yourself throughout the day and how it can avoid stress and burnout at the end of your day.

Taking Mindful Breaks

Image by Heike from Pixabay

Most of us get triggered by various things that happen during our workday. For example, working toward a tight deadline or dealing with difficult people can all be a source of stress. So to manage my emotions and protect how I feel at the end of the day, I started taking a few mindful breaks. 

I call them mindful breaks because these are different than other breaks you take. For example, a walk around the block can be beneficial. But, if you spend it venting or listening to someone vent the whole time, it can have a negative effect. You might come back more triggered and not entirely at peace. 

A mindful break can preserve your energy. For me, this was meditation. But it could be something else for you. A quiet walk by yourself, journaling your thoughts for clarity, or taking care of your plants, can all be used to center yourself. 

Spending time on things that divert your mind from work mode for a few minutes can bring you relaxation.

Taking care of myself throughout my day benefits me in more than one way. Here are five ways it can help you avoid feeling burnt out at the end of your work day: 

Photo by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash

1. Control How You Show Up To Meetings

How often have you noticed a coworker on edge in meetings? I have noticed that your exhaustion becomes very visible to others when you go from meeting to meeting. I have seen this in myself and others around me. 

I would often sneak in meditation sessions from popular wellness apps mid-day to feel refreshed for my other meetings. By taking care of our minds every few hours, we can change how we show up to others. 

2. Less Chance Of Burnout At The End

I noticed that spacing the workday with breaks makes me less tired. In addition, I also found it beneficial to have a routine that separates my work day and the beginning of my personal life. 

An end-of-day meditation, a short walk, or a quick workout can give us the breather we need. It can make you feel rejuvenated and ready for your other roles as a parent and a partner.

Photo by Jimmy Dean on Unsplash

3. Better Person To Be Around For Family

We never intentionally want to hurt our loved ones. But whenever I don’t take care of myself, I am less fun to be around. The biggest benefit of taking care of ourselves with breaks throughout the day is being more present with our loved ones. We can wholeheartedly read those bedtime stories to our kids without being preoccupied.

4. More Mental Space For Creative Endeavors

Not being fully exhausted at the end of your work leaves us with the energy to do anything we like. We can use the surplus energy to pursue another creative passion or get a workout in. There is no longer a need to shut the brain and consume unlimited media.

5. A Chance To Process Unwanted Emotions

Clearing our minds with breaks throughout the day helps us not let unwanted emotions seep into our personal life. While it’s impossible to avoid being impacted by difficult situations entirely, mindful breaks help us not be fully consumed by them.

Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

Taking care of yourself need not be saved for the day’s beginning or end. By taking take of ourselves throughout the day with mindful breaks, we can help ourselves feel more relaxed and energized. 

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Shilpa Kapilavai is a writer, meditator, and former IT professional passionate about personal growth and helping others live happy lives. She writes about self-help, mental health & mindfulness and aims to inspire readers to open their minds to self-discovery and make positive life changes. Join her on this journey towards a more meaningful life.