One Bright Thing

Connecting Through Candid Conversations

Some days, just hanging out with your girlfriends brings you joy. Spending time with a girlfriend was the highlight of my day today. A great meal followed by a walk and many candid conversations made my day.

It is challenging to find people with whom you can openly share things. I spent part of my day with an old acquaintance, a distant relative. We always had this fondness for each other when we were younger but were never really in the zip code. Fate has brought us to the same city after two decades.

We are in that stage of getting to know each other and learning to invest in our relationship. A short time with this friend really brightens my day. Her childlike innocence, crazy sense of humor, and high energy are just the dose of happiness I need to make my day.

We spent time sharing our lives and hearing each other out while appreciating some delicious Nepalese cuisine. I love that neither of us has any filter while speaking to another. There is no need for any mind reading. What you see is what you get.

I am grateful for such conversations filled with authentic communication and look forward to many more in life.

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Shilpa Kapilavai is a writer, meditator, and former IT professional passionate about personal growth and helping others live happy lives. She writes about self-help, mental health & mindfulness and aims to inspire readers to open their minds to self-discovery and make positive life changes. Join her on this journey towards a more meaningful life.