Relationships,  Self Discovery

3 Important Realizations From A Disheartening Vacation Experience

In my last post I talked about learning and about what helps me stay motivated when learning new things. Learning seems to be the key theme for me this season. This time life taught us a few lessons as a family. 

Allow me to share the story of our much awaited Hawaiian vacation. Our first tropical vacation by air since the lockdown. 

Hawaii holds a special place in my heart. There is something about the local culture, the island feel that really puts me at ease. Being near the ocean really transports me away from my daily life. 

Since the lock down, Hawaii has imposed many laws to protect itself from people visiting from the mainland. One of them was to show proof of vaccination or a negative covid test. This wasn’t an issue for me and my husband. Our son had only received one dose and for him to be exempt from quarantine he needed a negative covid test. I managed to find an appointment and got him tested. 

The day before the trip I found that they only accept tests from certain providers. Tests from any other center would not make you exempt from quarantine. I was really hoping that when we get there we would figure a way out. 

As suspected, the airport officials did not accept our son’s negative covid test. He would need to be quarantined for 10 days, they said. How would you quarantine for 10 days during a 5 day trip?

We were at a loss. Our options were to go to LA to get tested and come back to Hawaii. Funny thing is LA is a 5 hour car ride from home! It didn’t make any sense. 

To top it all, it was my husband’s birthday that day. It was not how any of us wanted to celebrate it. 

We got to the hotel all discouraged not knowing what’s next. The hotel staff did their best to accommodate and told us we could quarantine or make arrangements to fly back. The room wasn’t going to be available for another hour. 

Sitting in the lobby were the three of us making a decision after a 5 hour long flight. Do we take a redeye? Do we leave the next day? Should we go to another city in the US to continue our vacation?

Staying wasn’t an option. Even though our son tested negative and was fully in the clear, they wouldn’t accept that particular lab. 

When you are dealing with a pre-teen there is so much added stress to the situation. They understand and have an opinion on everything. 

How did you miss it he said. You should have read the instructions carefully.  What should I do now? You guys have trapped me!

It was way past lunch and I am one of those who can’t operate if I don’t get food in me on time. I wanted to pick up food at the hotel while we waited for room keys. My son goes, ‘I am not leaving this spot. I am not breaking the law’. It was one of those moments where I was proud yet unhappy. We ended up getting the food an hour later after we got to the room. 

This trip made us realize a few things which I would like to share with you.

A Lesson In Character Building – We are always telling our kids what to do. The right way to live our life. Yet the easiest way they learn is by watching us but not by listening to our words. When faced with a dilemma, would you do what you are asking them to do? This trip and our choices we made were an opportunity to show through actions. 

Calm Among Chaos – I watched my husband stay cool as a cucumber during the whole process. I don’t know what went on in his head but in mine there was a ton of self talk! ‘There could be worse things. It’s just bad luck. We are all safe and that’s what counts and so on’. Staying calm helped us all talk about it objectively and take the next step. 

If this happened on my birthday I probably would have gone through a million emotions in a matter of hours. From disappointment to anger to sadness, you name it! I probably would have meditated at the end to center myself 🙂 

Finding Humor Among Adversity – This wasn’t the worst thing that could have happened to someone. We were all healthy but it definitely wasn’t the break we hoped for. My son has a unique sense of humor. He said, ‘You should have read all the directions. Maybe that’s where I get my problem from. My teacher is always saying I try to solve questions before reading all the directions’. 

I was getting my parenting advice from an 11 year old! All I could say was I agree but that he also got my determination and drive so he isn’t all doomed.

We made the choice to fly back home the next morning after a full night’s sleep. Being by the beach and knowing your child can’t enjoy it is no fun. I kept thinking about how much fun he has in the water. Water heals me, he says. 

We experienced a vacation without really being there in our minds. We just wanted to get back so our son could have the freedom again. We were disappointed but stuck together as a team and even had a few laughs. For all that I write I should be reading instructions more carefully. I know I will be going forward to say the very least. 

This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for my family. For being able to rely on each other during rain or shine! Wish you all a very happy thanksgiving.

Photo by Dimitri on Unsplash
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Shilpa Kapilavai is a writer, meditator, and former IT professional passionate about personal growth and helping others live happy lives. She writes about self-help, mental health & mindfulness and aims to inspire readers to open their minds to self-discovery and make positive life changes. Join her on this journey towards a more meaningful life.